Hotels near Pico do Fogo (2829 m), Cape Verde

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Interesting Fact

Cordillera del Paine (2884 m), Chile

The highest summit of the range is Cerro Paine Grande. For a long time its elevation was claimed to be 3,050 m, but in August 2011 it was ascended for the third time and found to be 2,884 m.

Facts about Landmarks

Peaks by Height

Landmark Mount Everest (8848 m)
Landmark K2 (8611 m)
Landmark Manaslu (8163 m)
Landmark Nanga Parbat (8126 m)
Landmark Jengish Chokusu (7439 m)
Landmark Aconcagua (6962 m)

Waterfalls by Height

Landmark Angel Falls
Landmark Gocta Falls
Landmark Yosemite Falls
Landmark Kjelfossen
Landmark Kaieteur Falls
Landmark Nevada Fall

Tips for Trips

Top 10 Landmarks
Cape Verde

Top 10 Legends of Landmarks

"Do not walk in the footsteps of others because nobody will see yours."
