Mount Fuji (3776 m) (Fujisan) Honshu Island, Japan

Landmark Mount Fuji (3776 m)

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Landmarks from Japan

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Mount Fuji (3776 m)

Mount Fuji (富士山 Fujisan), located on Honshu Island, is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776.24 m. The active stratovolcano Mount Fuji lies about 100 km south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day. Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.



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  • from Amsterdam, HollandAncilla add it to visited list.
  • from Berlin, GermanyWagner Hansen add it to visited list.

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  • from Haskovo, BulgariaDobromira add it to want to visit list.
  • from Plovdiv, BulgariaPetko Bakalov add it to want to visit list.
  • from Burgas, BulgariaMilena Atanasova add it to want to visit list.
  • from Sofia, BulgariaPetya Yaneva add it to want to visit list.
  • from Varna, BulgariaMartin Georgiev add it to want to visit list.

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