Landmark Oeschinen Lake

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Oeschinen Lake

Oeschinen Lake (German: Oeschinensee) is a lake in the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland, 4 km (2.5 mi) east of Kandersteg in the Oeschinen valley. At an elevation of 1,578 m (5,177 ft), it has a surface area of 1.1147 square km (0.4304 sq mi). Its maximum depth is 56 m (184 ft). The lake is fed through a series of mountain creeks and drains underground. The water then re-surfaces as the Oeschibach. Part of it is captured for electricity production and as water supply for Kandersteg.



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  • from MexicoCrystal Garcia add it to want to visit list.
  • from Plovdiv, BulgariaPetko Bakalov add it to want to visit list.

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