Pomerape (6282 m) Sajama National Park, Bolivia

Landmark Pomerape (6282 m)

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Landmarks from Bolivia

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Pomerape (6282 m)

Pomerape is a stratovolcano lying on the border of northern Chile and Bolivia (Oruro Department, Sajama Province, Curahuara de Carangas Municipality). It is part of the Payachata complex of volcanoes, together with Parinacota Volcano to the south. It is of Pleistocene age.



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  • from MexicoCrystal Garcia add it to visited list.

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  • from New York, USAJeffrey Morris add it to want to visit list.
  • from Plovdiv, BulgariaYasmina Petrova add it to want to visit list.
  • from Plovdiv, BulgariaPetko Bakalov add it to want to visit list.

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