Landmark Salar de Uyuni

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Landmarks from Bolivia

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Salar de Uyuni

Salar de Uyuni (or Salar de Tunupa) is the world's largest salt flat at 10,582 square kilometers. It is located in the Potosí and Oruro departments in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes and is at an elevation of 3656 m above mean sea level. The Salar was formed as a result of transformations between several prehistoric lakes. It is covered by a few meters of salt crust, which has an extraordinary flatness with the average altitude variations within one meter over the entire area of the Salar.



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  • from Brisbane Qld, Australiagazzaplus add it to visited list.
  • from MexicoCrystal Garcia add it to visited list.

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  • from New York, USAJeffrey Morris add it to want to visit list.
  • from Plovdiv, BulgariaYasmina Petrova add it to want to visit list.
  • from Plovdiv, BulgariaPetko Bakalov add it to want to visit list.

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