Blenheim Palace Woodstock, England

Landmark Blenheim Palace

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from Chicago, USATylor Smith landmarks 14/362 | continents 4/7 | comments 4 | reviews 0 2013-09-13 11:31

Really impressive palace.

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Blenheim Palace

Blenheim Palace (pronounced Blen-im) is a monumental country house situated in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England, residence of the dukes of Marlborough. It is the only non-royal non-episcopal country house in England to hold the title of palace. The palace, one of England's largest houses, was built between 1705 and circa 1724. Blenheim Palace was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.



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  • Hannah Pryce add it to visited list.
  • from FranceBenjamin Ballan add it to visited list.
  • from Plovdiv, BulgariaYasmina Petrova add it to visited list.
  • from United KingdomEva Lechnery add it to visited list.
  • from FrancePete Daniels add it to visited list.
  • from London, EnglandBrianna Wise add it to visited list.
  • from Chicago, USATylor Smith add it to visited list.

Who wants to visit it?

  • from Madrid, SpainMarina Jones add it to want to visit list.
  • from Veliko Turnovo, BulgariaElena Koleva add it to want to visit list.
  • from Varna, BulgariaMartin Georgiev add it to want to visit list.
  • from Plovdiv, BulgariaPetko Bakalov add it to want to visit list.

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John Muir