License: No Copyright This picture is licensed under No Copyright.Picture by Jon Sullivan
Summary for the landmark
In April 2012 I visited Las Vegas and my rating is 5/5.
Las Vegas is just Las Vegas. Incredibly beautiful city. I have been there for a week. When I entered the city center the only thing I could say was just WOW. And it was during the day. In the night was much more beautiful when everything was lit up. That is the time you can enjoy the beauty that this city can offer. I am not a person who gambles and therefore almost all the time I spent sightseeing. Words can hardly describe what you see, so I recommend it warmly to visit. You will be delighted by what you see.
Tips: Make a night trip around the city.
easy to find
worth visiting
great time spent
from Varna, BulgariaMartin Georgiev
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Interesting Fact
Dunguaire Castle was used in the 1969 Walt Disney movie Gun In the Heather in the UK and The Secret of Boyne Castle in the US.
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"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."
Lao Tzu