Ovech fortress is situated east of the present city Provadia. Located on the mountain plateau above the city bearing the name Kaleto. The fortress was built by the Byzantines and functions from IV century to the beginning of VII century, after that nearly a century it is not active. Occupation and re-started from the XI century to the end of the XVII century. Zenith, however, suffered during the Second Bulgarian Kingdom. The Byzantines called the fortress - Provaton, Bulgarians - Ovech and Turks - Tash Hisar (stone fortress). In the historical chronicles of the XII century was mentioned by name Burfanta.
The fortress is located on a plateau in the shape of a ship directed from north to south. On all sides it is surrounded by high stone wreaths from 11 to 25 meters. Narrow isthmus connecting it with the plateau Tabia which is located next to it on the north. High walls were erected in the north part of the fortress where is located the main gate of the fortress. She contacted the isthmus to Tabia through bridge with a length of 160 meters. Over dug artificial causeway gate length of 8 meters and a depth of 5 meters was built drawbridge. Directly from the main gate carved into the rock road, vaulted over ten meters leads inside the fortress. Legends tell that in karst caverns beneath the fortress itself were kept huge stocks of grain and food to residents who survived the city during the siege.
One of the main reasons for Ovech development during the tenure of the Bulgarians is the comparative proximity to Varna. Bulgarians do not have a strong military marine fleet to repel the Byzantine. Therefore Varna proved easier to be conquered by the Byzantine fleet. However Ovech is built to protect the medieval Bulgarian capital from Byzantine attack.
Today, the fortress remained completely renovated bridge between the castle and the plateau Tabiite, multiple wells to collect water (one of which is 80 m), tanks for grain, the ruins of a churches, watch towers, stone gate at north, prisoners cells where the nobility and guilty citizens and prisoners of war are kept, the marble columns of the municipality. There are also caves inhabited since antiquity.
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